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  • Image of Be The Difference - TV Aksjonen 2016 Rogaland

It is an honour for me to have partnered up with TV Aksjonen Rogaland 2016 to raise funds for The Norwegian Red Cross who will provide crucial aid to civilians caught behind the front lines of war and conflict.

If you look closely in the elephant you will be able to find some symbols such as:

1.) Be The Difference (Arabic writing in the ear)
2.) Countries colored in Red (Myanmar, South-Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras)
3.) Hospital
4.) Water
5.) Tears
6.) Helping hands
7.) Explosives
8.) Refugee Tent
9.) Band aid / Medical supplies
10.) And last but not least the keyhole which is in every elephant!

"By supplying medicines, healthcare, clean water and food to civilians affected by war and conflict, this year's TV Aksjon will provide relief to some of the most vulnerable people in the world, in Myanmar, South-Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Projects in Norway related to the integration of refugees will also receive funding.

The situation is urgent, and even the smallest contributions will help save lives. The Red Cross is one of the few aid organizations allowed through enemy lines with humanitarian assistance. Through working with the network of local volunteers, the Red Cross has access to many who would otherwise be cut off from crucial humanitarian assistance.

TV Aksjonen (The NRK Telethon) is granted to a different Norwegian organization every year. An independent board of representatives selects the winner based on the applications the organizations submit. The NRK telethon typically raises between 180 and 240 million NOK, and the organisations are given a timeframe of five years to implement their proposed Projects."

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